转载搬运游戏大桶 PS5,只需安装本体和PS5专用补丁即可。 《刺客信条4:黑旗》时空背景将回到1715年的加勒比海,以《刺客信条3》主角康纳·肯威(Connor Kenway)的祖父英国青年爱德华·肯威(Edward Kenway)为主角,叙述爱德华从参与18世纪逐渐结束的私掠战争、转变成为刺客联盟对圣殿骑士的千年对抗。游戏中将出现如黑胡子、查理斯·范恩(Charles Vane)等多位历史上着名的海盗王,带领玩家探索西印度群岛的众多岛屿和广大海域,重现那海盗的黄金年代。本作将带来一个巨大的开放世界, 收录超过50个可自由探索的地点,战斗系统方面除了使用《刺客信条》经典的刺客武器外,也将导入多项18世纪武器、并同时着重动作与潜行玩法。而系列作中着名的多人游戏体验,也将比以前更加多样化和残暴无情。 Extra Content included in Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™ Gold Edition: - Assassin’s Creed® IV Black Flag™ Season Pass: Gives you all-in-one access to a new 3+ hour single-player story featuring Adewale, an ex-slave turned Assassin, the exclusive Kraken Ship Pack, plus multiplayer characters and much more!
- Captain Kenway’s Legacy Pack: Golden Scimitars and Multiplayer Treasure Hunter Costume
- The Trove of Mystery Pack: Iron Wheel & Astrolabe Relic
- Pirates Bounty Pack: German Rapiers & Compass Relic
- Sacrificed Secrets Pack: Dark and dangerous treasure-hunting mission on Sacrifice Island; Unlock Captain Drake’s Dual Swords and Pistols, Picture, Title, and Relics
- Hidden Mystery Pack: Adventurous treasure-hunting mission on Mystery Island; Unlock Stede Bonnet’s Ship, Costumes and other MP items
- Black Island Pack: Dark and dangerous treasure-hunting mission on Black Island; Unlock the Deadly Black Ship and Captain Morgan’s Silver Flintlock Pistols, Costume, Picture, and Title
- Aveline Pack: 60 minutes of additional gameplay featuring Aveline de Grandpré from Assassin’s Creed III Liberation; Unlockable Aveline ship figurehead